Online donations

Help us to assure the future of the our lady of the cape shrine

Become a close associate

You can help the Our Lady of the Cape Shrine by contributing in various ways, right here online. Note that each of the offered options is highly secure. The indication “HTTPS” which you will find registered at the beginning of the address bar authenticates the security:


  • Offer a Mass to a loved one: $15
  • Light a votive candle: $5 or $10
  • Purchase a commemorative plaque to affix on the wall of remembrance
  • Become a member of “Friends of Our Lady of the Cape”
  • Become a member of “Friends of the gardens of Our Lady of the Cape” (example, adopt so desired a tree for a period of 10 years)

*We invite you to consult the detailed financial information relating to the Our Lady of the Cape Shrine on the website of the Canada Revenue Agency:

Friends of Our Lady of the Cape

« Friends of Our Lady of the Cape »

The members of this association contribute to help insure the financial, human and liturgical resources necessary for the maintenance and for the development of the Our Lady of the Cape Shrine.

The privileges given with the annual $250 contribution is:

  • A membership card
  • An annual gathering of “Friends” featuring the Eucharistic celebration, social activities, meal and refreshments, with the opportunity to bring a person of your choice.
  • A 10 % discount on purchases at regular price at Shrine’s Gift Shop.

All “Friends” who have contributed $250 and more annually, and whose entire contribution is over $5 000, will have their names inscribed on the wall of the “Friends of Our Lady of the Cape” and will also receive a certificate of recognition.

Become a member of “Friends of Our Lady of the Cape”

Subscribe 250 $

Friends of the gardens of Our Lady of the Cape

« Friends of the gardens of Our Lady of the Cape »


The members of this association contribute to help insure the financial and human resources necessary for the maintenance and for the development of the gardens of the Our Lady of the Cape Shrine.

The privileges given with the annual $125 contribution is:

  • A membership card.
  • 10 % discount on purchases at regular price at Shrine’s Gift Shop.
  • An annual gathering of “Friends” featuring social activities, meal and refreshments, with the opportunity to bring a person of your choice.
  • All “Friends” who have contributed $125 and more annually, and whose entire contribution is over $2 500, will have their names inscribed on the wall of the “Friends of the gardens of Our Lady of the Cape”.



subscribe 125 $

Prayer affiliation

Prayer affiliation

This Prayer Affiliation can be for a month, a year or perpetual. The names of the persons affiliated will be written in a special register at the Shrine.

We will pray for them during the daily rosaries, the Eucharists and in a special way at the 11:00 a.m. Mass every Saturday.

You can see some examples of Prayer Affiliations:

  • Monthly
  • Annual
  • Perpetual

Yes, I want to register for the prayer affiliation:

You can pay by credit card or by PayPal if you have an account.

I want to affiliate another person:

Please write the name of the person and his adress in the field: “additional information” on the following page.

Memorial Wall

Memorial Wall

Do you want to commemorate an important life event, such as an anniversary, a birth, a death? You can have the name of a person engraved on a plaque at the Our Lady of the Cape Shrine and record it in the memory of God’s people.

Click on the button of your choice to link to the order form.

You can pay by credit card or by PayPal if you have an account.

Please write the small text you wish to appear on your plate in the field “additional information” on the following page.

5 cm x 10 cm (2″ x 4″) 25 letters
10 cm x 15 cm (4″ x 5″) 40 letters
15 cm x 20 cm (6″ x 8″) 60 letters

Light a votive candle ONLINE!

Light a votive candle ONLINE!

The Our Lady of the Cape Shrine offers you the possibility to light a votive candle for the period of time of your choice.

Whether you have a personal request to make, or you wish to honour the Virgin Mary or ask for Her intercession, we can personalize your votive candle by attaching a sticker portraying the statue of Our Lady of the Cape. The name of the person for whom the votive candle is lit and the period of time you choose will also be visible.

  • Medium votive candle – 3 days (72 hours)
  • Votive candle medium format – 3 days (72 hours) (2 to 12 months)
  • Large votive candle – 5 days (120 hours)
  • Votive candle large format – 5 days (120 hours) (2 to 12 months)

Click on the “Purchase” button to link to the order form.

We guarantee that the candle will be lit for you within 24 hours.

Personalized votive candle

The Our Lady of the Cape Shrine offers you the possibility to light a votive candle for the period of time of your choice.

Whether you have a personal request to make, or you wish to honour the Virgin Mary or ask for Her intercession, we can personalize your votive candle by attaching a sticker portraying the statue of Our Lady of the Cape. The name of the person for whom the votive candle is lit and the period of time you choose will also be visible.

  • 1 month —  $70
  • 3 months — $200
  • 6 months — $380
  •  9 months — $600
  • 1 year — $700

Please write the name of the person or your personal intention in the field: “additional information” on the following page.

Offer a Mass

Offer a Mass


Please write the name of the person in the field: “additional information” on the following page.

Donation in the amount of your choice

Donation in the amount of your choice

Do you want to offer a donation by Internet to the Our Lady of the Cape Shrine?

You will be able to write the amount of your choice…


Donation by mail

Do you want to offer a donation by mail to the Our Lady of the Cape Shrine?

Fill out our form (PDF), print it and send it to the address indicated, click here

Thank you for your support to Our Lady of the Cape Shrine.

Planned Donations

Concerning these donations specifically, it is possible for you to consult our adviser to help you in your approach to this philanthropic project. In return, you can also take advantage of a tax credit. Please communicate with us to obtain more information.

  • Testamentary Bequests
  • Donation in your lifetime of a permanent life insurance policy perms
  • Donation of the product of a life insurance policy upon death
  • Donation of sums payable in respect of an RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan) or a RRIF (Registered Retirement Income Funds) upon death